Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Scooby Dooby Doo"

The Doo Family Portrait_Penciled

The Doo Family Portrait came about while I was penciling the Hanna-Barbera Universe in It All Started with a Mouse. I had just finished drawing Scooby-Dum, and I wrote in my Facebook status that I had finished drawing the most forgotten Scooby-Doo character. My friend, Ellie, who is a bigger Scooby-Doo fan than I am, commented that I should include Scooby-Dee and perhaps even Horton Doo. I would have included Scooby-Dee if I had enough room for her, but as you can remember, for those of you who saw it, I barely had enough room for Quick Draw McGraw. That's how this drawing was born. Ellie had unknowingly-though I did tell her later-given me an idea to create a family portrait of Scooby Doo.

Originally I was thinking that I would include the Scooby Doo gang too (Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy), but when I started researching Scooby's family during the Spring Quarter I discovered that that would have been completely impossible. Scooby has a big family. Therefore, I decided to just focus on the Doo Family, and I think that was a great decision. I am extremely happy with how it is turning out. This is only the penciled version, but I will be beginning the inking in a matter of days.

The Prisoner of Azkaban

As I had told you in the previous blog entry, my mom and I are reading the Harry Potter series, and when we finish each book we watch the movie version. The most recent book that we both have finished was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and we both loved that book so much that we were really looking forward to watching the movie. That quickly wore off once we saw the movie. The movie is considered by the critics as the best of the series, but to us, it was a major let down. It felt like the creators of the film were rushing through it because the sequences looked like they were just thrown together in hopes that it would make some sense. Well, it didn't. In fact, to understand the film at all, you have to have read the book. When it comes to adaptations that's a big no-no. If you're going to adapt a book or a comic book it needs to be able to stand on its own without hoping that your audience is familiar with the story.

As soon as I'm finished with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire-my mom has already finished it-we'll watch that movie. However, my expectations are very low right now when it comes to the Harry Potter films, the first two were good, but that's it so far.

Back to SAAS

I was hoping that I would be taking three classes-a full workload-in the Fall Quarter at SCAD-Atlanta, and I had applied for a scholarship in hopes of achieving that. I did get the scholarship,'s chicken feed compared to what the tuition at the school is, as it is only worth $200. Not much. It forced me to have to drop one class, and so for the second time I had to drop Character Design for Storyboarding Animation, which sucked. So I was only going to be taking classes on Mondays and Wednesday (Comic Book Scripting at 8 AM and Digital Coloring and Lettering at 8 PM), and as you can see the coloring class was going to interfere with my obligations to the SCAD-Atlanta Animation Society, but those are the breaks. I was considering taking a lower position on the board, where I wouldn't have to be there for every meeting necessarily such as treasurer. Still, I was going to keep an eye on the class to see if Prof. Nolan Woodard changes the time. Well...the time wasn't changed, but something else happened instead. To my utter amazement, the day was changed. Now I am taking classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Comic Book Scripting at 8 AM and Digital Coloring and Lettering at 8 PM), which meant that the Character Design class had been moved to Mondays and Wednesdays. I was stunned. I wasn't too thrilled about dropping a class, but something good came out of it. I will be returning to the SCAD-Atlanta Animation Society in the fall after all.

Final Thoughts

Tomorrow, Sunday, July 24th is my brother's girlfriend, Michelle Foster's birthday, and I would like to wish her a happy birthday. Happy Birthday, Michelle!!! I wish for you to have a fantastic and unforgettable day!!!

Until next time this is Billy Wright, wishing you all a good night! So long, everybody! 

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